Blog of AppleSawce1

Wednesday February 26, 2025:

We went on a long hike up Lions Head today, a mountain between two ranges right next to the river. From the top of it, you can see an amazing view of both ranges and the glacier nearby. The way up and down is quite steep, though on the way down you are able to do a lot of sliding down the snow since it’s so slick this time of year. Unfortunately on my way down, I lost my lens cap for my camera, though I think the lens looks fine, no scratches. This hike is only a couple of miles away from where I live, and it was a wonderful day off. I went with two of my friends, one being my coworker and the other being a tour guide at the glacier. Me and my friends got food at my work afterwards, and had a movie night after. Really needed a first blog post so I thought I’d make it simple. Today I have been full of inspiration, writing my first blog posts, getting a few sporadic fun paintings done, some drawing, sound design and music related things, transferred photos from my camera to my phone and began editing a couple, what a day. I cannot wait to see what life brings to my doorstep.

Thursday February 27, 2025:

I decided to create a website purely because I felt like I needed a project to work on, and as I move a lot, it’s hard to keep all of my art work and creations, so I decided this may be a good place to post what I have created, if you’d want to consider it a portfolio you could, but I would consider it just a personal website to show off to people, improve my coding skills, and creates an incentive to create more. I have a couple of goals and aspirations that I really want to follow through with, and I believe the creation of this website and the following developments to come, will help me get further with my goals. If you’d like to support this journey, just keep checking back!

Friday February 28, 2025:

After a hard days work, all’s I want to do is finish my book, do some writing, and play some games with friends. Odd situation today with a health bill, but it’s not too exciting so I won’t write about it. What game do I plan on playing though? Dead by Daylight, probably one of my favorite games of all time. Hell, I got a damn tattoo of it on my left arm. I have always been a gamer in one form or fashion, but with time I found myself being entertained with other hobbies, being outside more, making more art or music, learning, ugh. Being an adult definitely sucks sometimes, but everyone has that inner child, you need to nurture that inner child. You can’t simply be busy all of the time and expect to be happy, have some fun! Enjoy your fucking life, don’t be one with the corporate slop. Take some time to yourself to delve into a hobby, play a video game, go on a hike, dance, fuck I don’t know, just do something, for you!

Saturday March 1, 2025

Turned out to be a really fun night on Friday, went Bowling with friends, hung out at the bar after for a bit and I got to play pool, but the day at work was definitely draining, I was so ready to get back home. I slept in until 45 minutes before work started, got a shower in, and started my day. Not to say it was a bad day by any means, I was simply, so ready to get home, so I can actually have an interesting and fun rest of my night, do some art, write this blog post, you know the deal. I lost a lens cap on my hike the other day, so I also have to order some of those. Also trying to figure out my next travel plans. I fly from Anchorage to Bozeman september 6th, and then I have my flight to Tokyo the 9th, and my plans after all of that, have yet to be figured out. I am sure I will come up with some fun travel plans, but no need to figure all of that out just yet, just live and see where the wind takes me. I would simply be afraid to go to some places, as I’ll have my laptop, camera, phone etc with me. And also thank god that its finally becoming spring again! I was so done with the cold and dark winter, time has definitely flied and it’s wild how it’s already March, it feels like new years was but only a couple of weeks ago. My roommate moved in with me mid January, the baker came back mid January, and my other two friends got here early and mid February. God, I love Alaska so much, I love my friends, indifferent to the work itself but most importantly, I love the nature here. This is definitely a good buffer between adventures, a good place to save money, and a good place to truly find my place in the world, but eh that’s a life long journey, I don’t need to know my place just yet, but that fact alone doesn’t mean you should stop searching! Enjoy every living moment you have, life is so damn beautiful.

Sunday March 2, 2025

I start work soon, not entirely looking forward to it as presumably it’s supposed to be a busy day today, but that just means more tips, more money saved up for my future expeditions. I am not really trying to spend a ton of money anyways, so I hope after this job is finished up, I should have a good amount of money saved up. We’ll see just how long we’re able to fuck off for, I want to be out traveling for a while and I really do NOT want to worry about my finances, but I mean hey if some people with worse money habits can survive, I am sure that I can too. Let’s just be safe about it, as this will probably be my longest bout traveling by myself, beginning in September. Man, I wish I turned 20 a little sooner, as I am going to Japan not even a month before turning 20 and I want to go club a little! But hey, there is always a time and a place for that, I am sure I will be able to once I travel to other places. I am really looking forward to all of the new people I’ll meet, adventures I’ll have, and I am wondering, did I talk about this exact topic in my last blog post? Not entirely sure, though it’s been on my mind a lot recently, truly. On my days off this week, I plan on updating some of the other aspects of my website, I am using Aseprite to test out a couple of tilings for my backgrounds, but we’ll see what looks best!

Monday March 3, 2025

I feel an immense amount of drive at the moment. Drive to simply to, better. Maybe its because of the insanely busy day yesterday, maybe it’s the recent sense of having it “figured out”, not fully, but I’ve definitely made some strides. A lot of our stress comes from not having any of our shits figured out, whether it be more personal or with life itself, if that makes any sense. This morning I got a lot of reading done on one of my books, some other things marked off my checklist, plus it’s Monday and I am expecting a couple of things in the mail this week, lots to look forward to, including my paycheck! So, I’m hoping it’s a fairly fat one. Damn, I also need a raise, but I am a little too scared to ask. Regardless, I am still making decent money, I just suppose the tips during the spring may not be very good. Hell I am surprised we’ve been as busy as we’ve been recently. Regardless, another 6 months of working here and then I am back to living life the way I intended. I just want to explore and see the world, learn, have some time off to really work on my hobbies and projects. I will probably repeatedly mention that as it’s something I am really looking forward to. And damn, I am so excited to simply be outside and exploring again. The winter is on it’s tail end, all the snow is starting to melt, the green is going to come back soon enough, bliss.

Tuesday March 4, 2025

So many people out in this world are truly vile, I am going to choose not to be one of those people. Yesterday was a really hard day at work, and I plan to move on from that day, we only grow and get better from here. I really need to do some more working out again, I feel like its been a while since I was consistent with it. I am making it a goal to get healthier and better with my habits and my hobbies, really finding the time to work on them, and really giving value to the limited amount of downtime I really have. Work has been burning me out and killing me so much recently, though we will come through the other end unscathed, and I am sure of that. I am going to make the choice to learn from all of my mistakes, and move forward. Learning instead of succumbing will only make you stronger, more passionate, and more human. I refuse to ever allow myself to sulk and cry about past events, and I will only move forward. I am done allowing people to upset me, I am done taking things so personally, we are all human, and I will better acknowledge that going forward. Cheers to new beginnings.

Wednesday March 5, 2025

Been pretty lazy today, pretty much just played video games, did some language learning, and now I am realizing that I actually need to do something with my day lol. Well I showered and did some other hygiene related things, but I’m ready to be more productive. I have been in a slight depression and I realize that, the best way to get out of it is to do something! I’ll probably go do some drawing in a moment, work on learning a couple new topics to help with the creation of my website, journal a little (I will also add a journaling section to my website at some point), etc. We’ll see what happens! I am also sooo hungry, haven’t eaten a thing all day! Well I’ll probably get started on all of that, just wanted to write a short post.

Thrusday March 6, 2025

Today was an exciting day, work was a bit difficult last week, but the day at work today went super smoothly. I am considering a couple of new ideas for my website, different categories to implement and other slight changes. I am also considering mastering and finishing one of my tracks that I’ve made and posting it on Sound Cloud for people to listen to. Though it is only going to be my first soundtrack post, I don’t expect it to be amazing. Though with time I am sure my music will improve more and more, as I am consuming music production content daily, as well as practicing and creating daily. Regardless, I am also a believer that if you are a creative in one form or fashion, that talent can leak over to other creative endeavors. I feel like my drawings and other art tend to correlate with the music I find myself listening to and creating. Sometimes, Alaska, the state I live in currently, creeps me out. Thankfully the perpetual darkness has ended and we are on the up, more and more sun each and every day. I never felt so thankful for the sun and warmth in my entire life. Though what I really enjoy about living out here is the sheer fact that, it makes you value the little things even more, tasks you with taking life a little slower out here. My patience has definitely increased as things are not as convenient as they used to be, whether it be using the bathroom, getting water, cooking, showering, using the internet, everything. I feel like I will write a synopsis on my experience in Alaska at some point, though my leaving date is six months away from the creation of this post.